Institution Data Type

name data type constraints description
cites string  
division string  
notes string  
organization string  
location Location  
distance number required
dateFounded string  
taxonomicCoverage string  
contact Contact  
currentStatus string  
specimenTotal number required
incorporatedHerbaria array of string  
importantCollectors array of string  
collectionsSummary CollectionsSummary  
dateModified string  
department string  
code string  
geography string  
address Address  
irn number required


  "cites" : "...",
  "division" : "...",
  "notes" : "...",
  "organization" : "...",
  "location" : {
    "lat" : "...",
    "lon" : "..."
  "distance" : 12345.0,
  "dateFounded" : "...",
  "taxonomicCoverage" : "...",
  "contact" : {
    "webUrl" : "...",
    "email" : "...",
    "phone" : "..."
  "currentStatus" : "...",
  "specimenTotal" : 12345,
  "incorporatedHerbaria" : [ "...", "..." ],
  "importantCollectors" : [ "...", "..." ],
  "collectionsSummary" : {
    "numBryosDatabased" : 12345,
    "numAlgaeImaged" : 12345,
    "numBryos" : 12345,
    "numBryosImaged" : 12345,
    "numPteridosImaged" : 12345,
    "numSeedPl" : 12345,
    "numSeedPlImaged" : 12345,
    "numFungiImaged" : 12345,
    "numAlgaeDatabased" : 12345,
    "numPteridos" : 12345,
    "numFungi" : 12345,
    "numAlgae" : 12345,
    "numFungiDatabased" : 12345,
    "numSeedPlDatabased" : 12345,
    "numPteridosDatabased" : 12345
  "dateModified" : "...",
  "department" : "...",
  "code" : "...",
  "geography" : "...",
  "address" : {
    "postalCountry" : "...",
    "postalState" : "...",
    "physicalZipCode" : "...",
    "physicalState" : "...",
    "postalCity" : "...",
    "physicalCountry" : "...",
    "postalZipCode" : "...",
    "postalStreet" : "...",
    "physicalStreet" : "...",
    "physicalCity" : "..."
  "irn" : 12345