type | description |
AbstractComment | |
AddRoleResponse | |
Address | |
Amount | |
Area | Covered area in square meters |
Availability | |
Base | |
BaseInt | |
BaseResponse | |
BaseUUID | |
BloomingSprouts | |
ChronoUnit | |
CollectionsSummary | |
Contact | |
CoordinateSystem | |
CountResponse | |
DateEntry | |
DeleteUserResponse | |
DeletedResponse | |
Document | |
DocumentType | |
ExportPolicy | |
FailureResponse | |
Filter | |
FilterResponse | |
FrequencyDistribution | |
FrequencyDistributionResponse | |
Herbarium | |
Institution | |
JobStatus | |
Language | |
LayerName | |
LifeStage | |
Link | Value object for links. |
Locality | |
Location | |
MTB | |
MTBResponse | |
Makropter | |
MediaResponse | |
MediaUpload | |
MetaData | Information about the request |
NumericAmountAccuracy | Adds quantity information to the field numericAmount |
ObfuscationPolicy | |
Occurrence | |
OccurrenceCentroid | |
OccurrenceCentroidsSliceResponse | |
OccurrenceComment | |
OccurrenceCommentsSliceResponse | |
OccurrenceExport | |
OccurrenceExportResponse | |
OccurrenceExportStatusResponse | |
OccurrenceExportsInfoResponse | |
OccurrenceField | |
OccurrenceFieldConfig | |
OccurrenceFieldConfigResponse | |
OccurrenceImport | |
OccurrenceImportStatusResponse | |
OccurrenceImportsInfoResponse | |
OccurrenceResponse | |
OccurrenceSliceResponse | |
OccurrenceStatusCentroid | |
OccurrenceStatusCentroidsSliceResponse | |
OccurrenceStreamResponse | |
Operation | |
Permission | |
Person | |
PersonResponse | |
PersonSliceResponse | |
Portal | |
PortalBase | |
PortalBaseResponse | |
PortalBoundsResponse | |
PortalConfigResponse | |
PortalConfiguration | |
PortalSliceResponse | |
PortalTagsResponse | |
Position | Describes the position of a sample.
Positions do not have an id. They are not a stand alone entity. |
PositionType | |
Publication | |
Quantity | |
RecordStatus | |
RedListStatus | |
Reproduction | |
Role | |
Sample | |
SampleBase | |
SampleComment | |
SampleCommentsSliceResponse | |
SampleField | |
SampleFieldConfig | |
SampleFieldConfigResponse | |
SampleMethod | |
SampleResponse | |
SampleSliceResponse | |
SampleWithCreator | |
SaveOrUpdateResponse | |
ServiceInfo | |
ServiceInfoResponse | |
SettlementStatus | |
SettlementStatusFukarek | |
Sex | |
SliceResponse | |
StaticMapStyle | |
StreamResponse | |
Survey | |
SurveyBase | |
SurveyBaseResponse | |
SurveyField | |
SurveyFieldConfig | |
SurveyFieldConfigResponse | |
SurveysSliceResponse | |
TaxaList | |
TaxaListResponse | |
TaxaListSliceResponse | |
TaxaResponse | |
Taxon | |
TaxonBase | |
TaxonBaseSliceResponse | |
TaxonField | |
TaxonFieldConfig | |
TaxonFieldConfigResponse | |
TaxonResponse | |
TaxonSliceResponse | |
TermsAndConditonsAcceptResponse | |
TextResponse | |
Token | |
TokenResponse | |
TranslationResponse | |
User | |
UserAuth | |
UserInfo | Information about a user. |
UserInfoResponse | |
UserSliceResponse | |
VagueDate | Describes the date. Allows vague dates like in June 2017. |
VagueDateType | The type of the date |
Validation | |
ValidationStatus | |
Value | A value for enumerated data. |
Vitality |