name | data type | constraints | description |
amount | Amount | ||
settlementStatus | SettlementStatus | ||
recordStatus | RecordStatus | required | |
taxon | TaxonBase | required | |
sample | SampleBase | required | |
determiner | Person | required | |
externalKey | string | ||
comment | string | Comment on this Occurrence. For diskussions use OccurrenceComment | |
lifeStage | LifeStage | ||
makropter | Makropter | ||
reference | Publication | ||
coveredArea | Area | ||
vitality | Vitality | ||
settlementStatusFukarek | SettlementStatusFukarek | ||
bloomingSprouts | BloomingSprouts | ||
quantity | Quantity | ||
observers | string | ||
herbarium | Herbarium | ||
determinationComment | string | ||
numericAmount | number | min: 1 | |
reproduction | Reproduction | ||
sex | Sex | ||
habitat | string | ||
timeOfDay | string | ||
remark | string | ||
citeId | string | ||
citeComment | string | ||
originalTaxonname | string | ||
originalFlorstatus | string | ||
documents | array of Document | Documents saved for this occurrence. This can be e.g. images or maps.
This entity is read only and populated by the service. It is ignored when saving entities. |
absence | boolean | Set to true if this occurrence describes the absence of an expected species. | |
validation | Validation | ||
numericAmountAccuracy | NumericAmountAccuracy | ||
Properties inherited from BaseUUID |
id | string | ||
Properties inherited from Base |
createdBy | string | The id of the user who created this entity.
This entity is read only and populated by the service. It is ignored when saving entities. |
creationDate | string | The timestamp of the cration of this entity. The timestamp is in the
timezone Europe/Berlin by default.
This entity is read only and populated by the service. It is ignored when saving entities. |
links | array of Link | A collection of Links related to this entity.
This entity is read only and populated by the service. It is ignored when saving entities. |
modifiedBy | string | The id of the user who changed this entity last.
This entity is read only and populated by the service. It is ignored when saving entities. |
modificationDate | string | The timestamp of the last modification on this entity. The timestamp is in
the timezone Europe/Berlin by default.
This entity is read only and populated by the service. It is ignored when saving entities. |
userAlloewdToEdit | boolean | required | Indicates weather the user who made the request is allowed to edit this
entity or not.
This entity is read only and populated by the service. It is ignored when saving entities. |
obfuscated | boolean | required | Indicate weather the data is obfuscated
This entity is read only and populated by the service. It is ignored when saving entities. |
allowedOperations | array of Operation |
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